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Chem-Dry Franchise Owners Get Mileage Out of Local Digital Publications

Tapping into local and regional publications, and converting their audiences to customers, is a winning strategy for solid online market results

Getting the word out often is one of the hardest jobs a fresh small-business owner can face. While Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners have the benefits of an internationally known name behind them, building visibility in their communities is a hurdle they still overcome during their startup.

That’s why strong marketing is vital from the outset, something that Chem-Dry understands. New owners get help setting up and operating their own website, as well as orientation and ongoing education about how to deploy social media and online outreach to get results fast. 

Local branding helps build awareness

That helps land placements such as a Digital Journal awareness piece about a new Chem-Dry franchise in Park City, Utah. Among its many positives was a long list of the cleaning needs Chem-Dry techs can tackle and solve.

Here’s what the article had to say: “During winter months, stains and general dinginess can make carpets look old and unpleasant. A good steam cleaning not only removes stains but helps to freshen the carpet, giving it a new look and a much more appealing smell … while many homeowners attempt to remove carpet stains and odors themselves, it is often the professionals who do the better job. He says that carpet cleaners that are sold to consumers do not have the power of cleaning that professional systems provide.”

So right there, the value of professional cleaning is made, and done so in a positive way that sets the tone for a discussion about Chem-Dry’s differentiators: 

[Chem-Dry] uses a system that instantly lifts and removes dirt and allergens, all the way down to the carpet padding, making the carpet look new again and removing any odors that may have accumulated during the winter months … [with no] harmful detergents or other chemicals in their carpet cleaning, but instead a system that involves [Hot Carbonating Extraction] to extract dirt and grime from carpet. This relatively new way of deep cleaning carpets requires only half of the water that steam cleaners use, which means an even faster drying time for carpets and upholstery. This system removes stains and allergens, and because it dries faster, it eliminates the threat of mold growth in or under carpeting.”floor cleaning franchise

Online marketing ties into larger strategy

This kind of exposure is invaluable for a new Chem-Dry carpet cleaning franchise owner, notes Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development, adding that it’s also part of a larger strategy Chem-Dry deploys to build and maintain brand awareness. 

“We are always looking at print, television, online and social media to see how our brand can best be marketed,” Smith says. “We prioritize this research and share it with our network. Then, when we take them these solutions, they can in most cases “plug and play” into their own marketing efforts and reap the results.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 32 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You can also learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Franchise Takes Top Spot In Major Social Marketing Benchmark Report

Research tool showcases carpet cleaning franchise’s ability to build awareness through social marketing efforts on behalf of franchise owners

Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners know the value of social media marketing, and they also know that they have strong support from the corporate team. For proof, look no further than the newly released Localized Social Marketing Benchmark Report, a comprehensive study aimed at helping marketers understand the impact of localized social market. 

The report, which was produced by the Local Search Association (LSA), a global association for marketers and agencies engaged in localized marketing,  and SOCi, a platform for social and reputation management for multi-location brands, honored several leading brands in categories that ranged from business services to hotels, personal care and education. In the home services category, Chem-Dry came out on top.chem-dry floor cleaning franchise

Research digs into social marketing in key areas

According to the LSA, “The research examines the top franchise marketing brands on their performance in localized social marketing in three key areas: the brands’ localized presence, customer care (in the form of local ratings and reviews), and local community engagement.”

Those are essential, the LSA pointed out, because of some specific consumer behaviors: 

  •       A local search is the first thing a consumer does to find or uncover more information about a business.
  •       Ratings and reviews have become not only a top local search ranking factor, but also the No. 1 factor consumers use in determining which company to do business with.
  •       Three out of 4 brand engagements are happening on local pages vs. national pages on leading platforms such as Facebook and Google My Business.

Methodology highlights commitment to engagement

The LSA says the research team studied a total of 163 franchise brands (a combination of the top 100 largest brands by Franchising Times and the 100 fastest-growing brands based on Entrepreneur magazine rankings), ranking each on a 100-point scale. Scoring was determined by examining a random selection of 100 locations for each brand on localized presence, care and engagement on top platforms including Google My Business, Facebook and Yelp. 

“Chem-Dry understood early on the value of social media and online marketing, and we continue to expand not only our national efforts, we also are always enhancing support for franchise owners in their markets for targeted outreach,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “The online world is one of rapid change, and we are committed to making sure our brand presence continues to be easily found so that franchise owners can connect with consumers for bookings, reviews and reputation management.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise, with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Franchises Are Great Businesses for Couples & Families

Got the entrepreneurial bug and looking for a way to build a business together as a couple, and even involve the kids? Check into what Chem-Dry offers

Talk to someone who’s begun his or her own small business and the “why” is usually very similar. Financial independence and the chance to build something of their own guides them to putting action behind their dreams. Many people also add that they wanted something to own and operate with a husband, wife or partner, and something that they could bring their children into and eventually turn over to that next generation.

That was certainly the case with Tim and Tara Outson, who own and operate their own Chem-Dry upholstery cleaning franchise, TNT Chem-Dry, in Nashville, TN. After more than a decade in business, they have this advice for couples who are thinking about working together and starting a small business: upholstery cleaning franchise

Be passionate

Not only with each other, but about your business. Make sure that if you’re investing in a business together, it’s something you both fully believe in. Passion fuels success. 

Balance each other out

Going into business with your partner works especially well when you are both good at different things. Perhaps one of you excels at logistics and behind-the-scenes duties and the other thrives in front of people and with customer service, which offers a balance level of skills. 

Know when to ask for help

There are the days when your partner is not going to have the ability to give 100%. It is necessary to always be honest with each other about how things are going and know when to ask and offer help.

“The Outsons, like many other couples over the years, began a Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise because it offered the chance to ramp up at their own speed, work from a home office and avoid costly commercial real estate leases, and a flat monthly fee that didn’t punish them for success,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “We think of all our Chem-Dry franchise owners as a family, and that mindset carries out into dozens of actual families who own and operate thriving franchises, some in the second or even third generation.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry upholstery cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry upholstery cleaning franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry’s Annual Convention Is Huge Opportunity For Franchise Owners

From new-product releases to how-to seminars on everything from maximizing social media usage to streamlining operations, it’s a don’t-miss event

Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners are “people people.” They love to get out in the field and talk with customers, as well as interact with their team while building a thriving business that gives them financial freedom. They are also a true community asset. 

They also love to spend time with each other, which is why the annual convention every year is a must-attend opportunity for them. Seasoned veterans and new franchise owners alike value the experience, which is a great mix of networking opportunities alongside informational sessions about how to operate and grow the business more efficiently.Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners at a meeting

Showcase for lucrative new service lines

“We’ve designed our convention around the theme ‘Make it Happen. Make it Matter!’ The focus behind the theme is for Chem-Dry franchise owners to take this opportunity to focus on what really matters in and to their business and commit to those things fully to make sure they realize the full value and impact of those investments and initiatives,” says Bill Zinke, Senior Vice President of Marketing. “We really want franchise owners to look at their operation, look at their market and decide what service(s) they’d like to adopt next, and build that into their business plan.”

That’s important, because in the past two years, Chem-Dry has introduced several new services, such as dryer vent and air-duct cleaning, that franchise owners can adopt and then turn into valuable new revenue streams for their business. At the convention, they can see these systems in action, and learn what the investment in equipment, training, marketing and technician education would look like for their franchise.

A chance to study up on social media

Attendees also will look at how Chem-Dry, as a brand, leverages national print and online exposure, including social media channels, to benefit franchise owners.

 “Considering that 90% of consumers look at reviews today before making a purchase decision, this is an area on which all our franchise owners need to focus,” Zinke says. “We need to get better about not only soliciting reviews, but also monitoring and tracking, setting up alerts, and responding to reviews – both positive and negative – in a timely manner. The convention is a great place to do this, because we have some real ‘superstars’ in attendance, and they are very generous about sharing their experience and giving tips to other franchise owners. It’s one of many reasons why the convention is something that really sets Chem-Dry apart and is a real bonus for our franchise owners.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Franchise Capitalizes on Yelp Study to Build Brand Awareness

National marketing and outreach boosts in-market online visibility — and customer inquiries — for every Chem-Dry franchise owner

A positive online customer review is the gold standard for small-business owners, and that’s why savvy ones are always paying attention to their listing on Yelp and other major review sites. It’s also why, when Yelp does a consumer study, millions of people read the resulting article. 

So when Chem-Dry got the chance to comment on a recent study by Yelp that talked about consumers’ least-favorite household chores (Hint: one was vacuuming) the brand was eager to offer some solutions for floor cleaning.

An authoritative voice builds brand awareness

According to the Yelp survey of 2000 people who live with someone else, split evenly between men and women, the average American spends up to 690 hours a year on housework. And one chore they hate? As previously hinted, vacuuming. The article recommended upgrading your vacuum and using a three-stage, high efficiency particulate air filter. And Chem-Dry franchise owners will recognize the expert who spoke to this issue:  

“HEPA filters trap 99.7% of airborne allergens, unlike traditional vacuums, which expel dust and allergens back into the room as you clean,” says Jotham Hatch, Vice President of Training & Development at  Chem-Dry. And with that, Chem-Dry’s name was in front of millions of people who want clean floors and want to know the best ways to keep them clean.chem dry cleaning franchise

Building brand awareness is an ongoing priority for carpet cleaning franchise

“We work to land great media exposure such as the Yelp study on behalf of our Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners, because we know it really pays off,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “Franchise owners do a great job of working social media and other online outlets in their markets. We take those local efforts and really ramp them up with national ad buys and other press mentions, so that franchise owners’ marketing results are amplified and reach even more consumers.”

In fact, how to advertise and market is a big part of every Chem-Dry franchise owner’s training and onboarding. During this process, they learn the best ways to leverage print and online materials in order to build brand recognition and start creating a customer pipeline even before they are open for business, so they can land clients and begin building revenue from Day One.

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry cleaning franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Meet New York State Chem-Dry Franchise Owner Janice Carucci

Big-rig truck driver was on the hunt for a business she could build at home, and Chem-Dry provided all the answers she was looking for in her search

After 25 years in long-haul trucking, Janice Carucci wanted to try something different. She very much still wanted to be in business for herself and have the freedom that entailed. Getting off the road was a priority for her and her husband, she says, and a proven system also was on the menu. When she found Chem-Dry, she knew she’d tapped into a brand that would meet her needs.chem dry cleaning franchise

How did you find out about Chem-Dry?

I wanted a second business, something my husband and I could start while we are phasing out of our current operation. I was doing some online searches for franchises and also looking for some specific entry-price points and kept coming across Chem-Dry. I began looking into it, made some calls to their team and everything got moving pretty quickly from there.

What were you doing before you launched your Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise?

I am a trucker. We still own a truck and lease another one, as well as have two drivers working for us. Now we’re weaning ourselves out of trucking and working on getting the Chem-Dry franchise going.

What drew you to this brand?

We liked the affordability and were really pleased with the commitment to taking care of the environment. There are a lot of green products that we can use, and they are for the whole home. That’s great for people with allergies or who are ill and really vulnerable to harsh smells and chemicals. That sold me almost immediately.

I also really loved the original Hot Carbonating Extraction process. It blew my mind that you could do this much with water and not a ton of soaps! It’s funny – there are other carpet-cleaning franchises around me, and I didn’t know anything about them because they never reached out to me. I guess they are busy with their own clients, which is good for me because I know that I have carpets, and my neighbors have carpets, so there is a lot of opportunity!

Where are you based, and what’s your territory like?

We are in Baldwinsville, a village in Onondaga County in the central part of New York state. We opened in March of this year, and while we are one of several territories in the area for Chem-Dry, we have a lot of room and opportunity to grow.

What was your training like?

I actually got a jump on this before I went to Logan [Utah, home of Chem-Dry’s training facility], because I did the first Star Technician course online. I knew as a new franchise owner I would need to know how to run the business and had a lot to learn, but I really wanted to learn how to perform all the functions as well. There was a lot to learn! And then when I got to the physical training I wasn’t completely overwhelmed. 

How has the online advertising and marketing setup worked for you?

When you are new to an industry, and new to a business that is requiring you to find your own customers, it’s great to have that support! I like that everything was simple to understand, and easy for us to learn to navigate. That means we have time to get the business up and running, and also learn about how to market and develop our own customer pipeline.

You’re about six months in; is Chem-Dry franchise ownership turning out like you expected? 

Yes! I was afraid the phone wouldn’t stop ringing before I was really ready, which didn’t happen — but when it did, we were ready to go. We had time to acclimate ourselves, to fix the van up and be ready to go, before we were going out on jobs. 

I’m really glad I have done this. We have customers who have been with Chem-Dry for a long time, and they have been very happy to meet us and to let us work for them. I have a big territory that I have yet to fully take advantage of, and so I am really eager to see how much we can grow.

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in over 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Franchise Leverages National Media To Promote New Wood-Floor Services

Organized and effective national marketing makes Chem-Dry ‘top of mind’ for consumers and creates sales opportunities for franchise owners to leverage

When Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners take a current or potential customer’s call, more often than not the client is asking about a new product or service. That’s because he or she had experienced one of our ads placed in magazines, across various social media platforms, or online on a website. 

A national advertising platform for brand awareness, current services and new offerings is a big reason why Chem-Dry has a strong presence across the United States. Every Chem-Dry cleaning franchisee operates his or her own social media and website, and also taps into the larger ad campaigns that are done on their behalf.Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise named best of the best

Wood floor cleaning franchise launch is a prime example

It all ties together to build brand awareness and bring in business. For instance, when Chem-Dry launched its wood floor cleaning portfolio in 2019, a broad campaign was created. From online and print ads to printable information pieces that owners can give to customers, it covered all the bases.

And the media placements were easy to follow and explained the process beautifully. At, for instance, readers got a quick and effective summary: “[Chem-Dry’s] new wood floor cleaning process ‘combines cleaning, sanitizing and polishing’ for both solid and engineered hardwood flooring as well as LVT. The service includes an inspection; polish and acrylic coating removal; a deep cleaning; and application of wood floor polish.”

Ongoing advertising supports new sales and upselling

For over 40 years, Chem-Dry has worked hard to become a household name and the gold standard in carpet cleaning and much more. Advertisements and promotions that heighten consumer awareness, and also help franchise owners upsell on every job, are a big part of that success.

“Chem-Dry franchise owners are busy doing a great job for their clients and growing their business,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “They know that advertising, especially online and on social media, is hugely important — but there are only so many hours in the day. That’s why we support their efforts with big, national campaigns that help drive customers to their door.” 

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with over 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Franchise’s New Wood-Floor Cleaning Equipment Shows Commitment To Quality

Franchise owners rave about the ease of use, and income possibilities, of a carefully thought-out addition to an already-large portfolio of services

Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners love to share information. That may come in the form of telling current and potential customers about the many services Chem-Dry has in its whole-home cleaning portfolio. It also may be in feedback on a new offering, such as Chem-Dry’s wood-floor cleaning services — which they love. 

“A lot of time and effort went into getting our wood-floor offering just right,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “Not just for customers, but also for franchise owners. We think we have created a package that gives customers amazing, beautiful floors. It’s easy to use and a real revenue generator for franchise owners.”Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise

A solid addition to the floor cleaning franchise business

Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners agree. Owner Colton Withrow says, “Wood floor cleaning has been an awesome addition to my business! It provides a quality, deep clean in a very short time. I absolutely love that the scrubber gets the stuck-in dirt from the seams of the wood planks. That’s the biggest compliment I get! The scrubber is very easy to maneuver and does a great job getting right up to the edge, and with the floating handle you can get under counters and tables without any issue.  

Product beta tester Phil Manwarren agrees, adding, “The wood floor scrubber cleans right up to the wall and I feel it does a thorough, deep scrubbing of the floors. When we are in a customer’s home and we notice they have wood flooring we will ask to perform an estimate. We always give the option of just cleaning or cleaning and applying a polish coat. I’d say about 50% of wood floor jobs we have performed included the polish. An average size room can be cleaned in 15-20 minutes and you can make $100-200 per room! This makes adding wood floor cleaning to an existing carpet cleaning job very feasible and profitable.”

Ease of use is a major plus

In addition to letting every Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise work on wood floors, the equipment is also very easy to use, notes Withrow: “Don’t be swayed by the battery operation, because I have not once run into a property that was too large for me to handle with the batteries provided. The scrubber is extremely compact and was an easy addition to my van. There are minimal products, so that was also very easy to find room for. The transport in and out of the home is a one-hand deal and virtually no set up to get started. I appreciate that the controls on the unit are simple to understand, so training a tech will not be a problem. This machine does the work for you! Just turn it on and start walking. The floor will be completely dry in 60 seconds or less so there is no wait time to put the polish down.” 

You just have to walk along behind the machine and it does the work for you,” adds Manwarren. “You can walk at whatever pace is comfortable and the machine will keep up with you, cleaning the floor and leaving it virtually dry and ready to use or top-coat with a polish. Customers have been asking us for this service for a long time and I’m thrilled we can finally offer it.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

Chem-Dry Appears On Entrepreneur’s 2019 Top Franchises For Veterans List

Highly regarded ranking points out the brand’s many positives for active and recently separated military personnel looking at business-ownership options

Choosing a career in the military is a smart move for many reasons: the chance to serve our country and learn valuable skills, just for starters. Another plus is the ability to exit the military after fulfilling obligations, leaving the door open to putting all that’s been learned into a new career. 

That’s what thousands of men and women do every year, and it’s why Entrepreneur magazine releases a Top Franchises for Veterans list every year. And once again, the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise brand has been featured as a great opportunity for service members who are looking for the best fit for their skill sets and goals.

A carefully curated and “vetted” list

The research team at Entrepreneur invites hundreds of brands to participate in a survey designed to help them learn more about veterans programs. The team then takes into account each company’s veteran incentive, how veteran franchise owners are attracted to and supported by the company, and how each company scored in the magazine’s 2019 Franchise 500. When all was said and done, Chem-Dry was on the list once again.

“We are always pleased and proud to be included on Entrepreneur’s various rankings,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “This particular list is especially meaningful for us, as we have many veterans in the Chem-Dry carpet cleaning franchise family and are always on the lookout for more. These men and women are a tremendous asset to our brand, as well as to the communities they serve.”Chem Dry cleaning franchise vet

Incentives and training set up vets for success in floor cleaning franchise

Veterans value the proven systems, processes and results that Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise owners tap into as they launch and grow their businesses. Those align well with their proven ability to work hard, follow systems to reach goals, and provide top-notch service.

Chem-Dry also is a good choice for veterans thanks to its in-house financing package, which helps entrepreneurs with little access to capital. Chem-Dry is a member of the International Franchise Association and participates in the IFA’s VetFran Program, which offers veterans and first responders a 10 percent discount on the initial license fee, thus opening the possibility of franchise ownership for veterans who might not be able to afford it otherwise.

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with over 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

New Services by Chem-Dry Continue to Strengthen Canadian Franchise Opportunity

A business model that works well in all types of different markets and cultures continues to pay dividends as Chem-Dry’s North American footprint expands

For almost 50 years, U.S. entrepreneurs have built businesses and achieved their dreams of financial independence with a Chem-Dry carpet cleaning franchise. And they are not alone, thanks to consistent and strong growth around the world, including north of the border in Canada. 

“We continue to see solid growth in Canada, with new franchises coming on board all across Canada every year,” says Doug Smith, Senior Vice President of Franchise Development. “I believe that’s because Chem-Dry is a business that offers many valuable and needed services that customers in any community can, and will, want to tap into for their homes and businesses.”

New services = new franchise owners

In many cases, Canadian entrepreneurs are brought into the Chem-Dry floor cleaning franchise family with the addition of a new service that they’d been waiting for. Over the years, that has included everything from leather and granite renewal to area rug, tile and other specialty cleaning. Most recent services include air duct and dryer vent cleaning, as well as commercial flooring services.

“Our Canadian franchise owners have always done well with carpet cleaning, and now that there are more services available in our ‘whole-home’ approach, they are landing more business and seeing bigger ticket totals,” Smith says. “That appeals to people who thought we just did carpet work. New owners tell us that when they see all that we offer, and know that more is coming, they want to get on board.”cleaning franchise

Floor-cleaning services build more interest

That’s certainly true now that Chem-Dry has added wood-floor cleaning to the roster. Being able to take care of carpet, tile and wood floors adds a new depth and dimension to Chem-Dry’s offerings, and would-be franchise owners are taking note.

“We are hearing a lot from candidates on Canada — and elsewhere around the world,” Smith says. “Many homes now are all wood floors, or a mix of carpet, tile and wood. We can take care of every surface, and while that Chem-Dry franchise owner is on site, he or she can talk about and demonstrate our other surfaces. Wood-floor cleaning is getting us more doors and giving our owners more opportunities to build business on every estimate visit.”

Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet and upholstery cleaning franchise with more than 3,000 franchises in more than 55 countries, serving 11,000 homes and businesses a day. Chem-Dry has been Entrepreneur magazine’s top-rated carpet cleaning franchise for 31 straight years. The Chem-Dry Hot Carbonating Extraction process delivers a faster-drying, deeper and more environmentally friendly clean that appeals to home and business owners. In addition to carpet and area rugs, Chem-Dry provides cleaning and renewal services for tile and stone, granite countertops, leather and upholstery, air ducts and dryer vents.

Learn more about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity

For in-depth details about the Chem-Dry franchise opportunity, download our Free Franchise Opportunity Report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.

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What does it cost to own a Chem-Dry franchise?

Every year Australian homeowners install millions of square meters of new carpet - carpet that will need cleaning for decades. Since 1977, one name has stood out: Chem-Dry. Tap into this growth market with and ultra-low franchise fee and a low, fixed monthly royalty fee.

  • Franchisee Fee: $19,950
  • Includes all equipment needed for carpet and upholstery cleaning
  • Includes full training and ongoing support
  • Van required

Request Franchise Information

Want to learn more about opening your own Chem-Dry Franchise? Fill out this form to get started:

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By pressing "Request Franchise Information", you agree that Chem Dry may call/text/email you at the number you provided above, including for marketing purposes related to your inquiry. This contact may be made using automated or pre-recorded/artificial voice technology. Data and message rates may apply. You don't need to consent as a condition of any purchase. You also agree to our Privacy Policy.